Saturday, February 28, 2009

Book 13

Title: Rabbit, Run
Author: John Updike
Pages: 255
Setting: a fictional city in the suburbs of Philadelphia (approx. 30 minutes from where i live)

I would recommend this book to anyone. It is amazing.

Favorite Quotes: "God's name makes them feel guilty."
"The growing complexity of lights threatens him. He is being drawn into Philadelphia. He hates Philadelphia. Dirtiest City in the world they live on poisoned water."
"Everybody who tells you how to act has whisky on their breath."
"Give the boys the will to achieve. I've always liked that better than the will to win, for there can be achievement even in defeat."
"His German accent makes his words seem stones, set angrily one on top of another."

Misc: It says in the book that Rabbit married late at the age of 24. HA.

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