Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book 4

Title: Midnight Sun
Author: Stephanie Meyer

Background: I don't have a picture for this one because according to Stephanie Meyer's website it is never going to be published. Someone leaked it online after it was only about halfway done and she has since decided not to finish it. She posted the unfinished draft on her website so I decided to read it (even though I felt guilty doing it.) I really wish she would reconsider and finish.

Synopsis:It is the same story told by the book Twilight written from Edward's perspective.

Setting: Forks, Washington

Favorite Part: I loved hearing the story through Edward's thoughts and feelings. It brought a whole new meaning to a lot of the small occurrences and seemed to complete the story rather than just add to it.

Misc: I know I'm way too old to be reading and loving Twilight, but whatever.

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