Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book 6

Title: Plum Lucky
Author: Janet Evanovich

Synopsis: Stephanie Plum's grandma steals money from a guy who thinks he's a leprechaun who stole the money from a mobster. Her and her crew all have to go to Atlantic City to get the money back so they can save a horse and her kidnapped grandma from getting killed.

Setting: Trenton, New Jersey

Favorite Character: Snuggy

Least Favorite Character: Deisel. Not nearly as awesome as Ranger.

Favorite Part: When Lula spilled the bucket of nickels to distract the casino employees.

Misc: This series is one of my guilty pleasures.

Book 5

Title: McSweeney's Quarterly Concern #29
Author: Various
Pages: 178

Best Part: All of the pictures from matchbooks, especially the animal ones.

Favorite Story: It's Nice When Someone is Excited to Hear From You by Brian Baise. I feel like I can identify with Roger's brand of insanity.

Favorite Character: The Loris (in Augury by J. Erin Sweeney)

Misc: Dave Eggers is my hero.

Book 4

Title: Midnight Sun
Author: Stephanie Meyer

Background: I don't have a picture for this one because according to Stephanie Meyer's website it is never going to be published. Someone leaked it online after it was only about halfway done and she has since decided not to finish it. She posted the unfinished draft on her website so I decided to read it (even though I felt guilty doing it.) I really wish she would reconsider and finish.

Synopsis:It is the same story told by the book Twilight written from Edward's perspective.

Setting: Forks, Washington

Favorite Part: I loved hearing the story through Edward's thoughts and feelings. It brought a whole new meaning to a lot of the small occurrences and seemed to complete the story rather than just add to it.

Misc: I know I'm way too old to be reading and loving Twilight, but whatever.

Book 3

Title: Mr. Emerson's Wife
Author: Amy Belding Brown

Synopsis: Ralph Waldo Emerson marries a woman and moves her out to the country where they start a family. Later on, she has a mostly emotional affair with Henry David Thoreau.

Reedeming Quality: It involves a lot of authors and philosophers.

Misc: I wanted to punch all of the characters at least once during the course of the book because of the way the talk about, treat or think about women.

Book 2

Title: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Pages: 471

Favorite Character: Anselmo

Misc: It is tragic, of course, but that should be expected. The Sun Also Rises is still my favorite Hemingway book.

Book 1

Title: Griffin and Sabine
Author:Nick Bantock

Synopsis: A mysterious correspondence between an artist and a woman who can see his artwork in her head as he is drawing it.

Favorite Part: The wonderful images on the postcards and the letters that can be removed to be read.

Misc: This book reminded me a lot of a McSweeney's.